The group of brilliant intellectuals of India who are protesting against the rampant corruption and lack of transparency in UPSC, have been on a hunger strike since Sept 4, at Jantar Mantar as a voice of grievance of all of us. Since they could get no permission to sit beyond 5 pm there, the hunger strike pertains to the daytime only. Some of the hunger strikers have started suffering weakness in walking and cramps. To be noted that this group is from 21 to 31 years of age and is wholetime devoted to studies. After the day hungerstrike they are unable to ensure nutritious food for themselves, for the fund scarcity that mostly mars a student and even hampers us in the protest. Despite of the suggestions of the fellow students they are not abandoning the hungerstrike protest and are carrying sincerely the cause forward.
From the mediamen, it has come that they have been under trememdous pressure from the UPSC not to give any sort of impetus to the issue.
It is easy for us to be IAS or state PCS aspirant and comment on corrpution comfortably in our rooms, but really is a Herculean Task to abandon meals, sit there at uneven floor in sun and in rain for a common cause that affects us all.
Guns salute to the team of Hunger strikers at Jantar Mantar.
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